Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

OSCAR BUDIDAYA decorative fish

OSCAR BUDIDAYA decorative fish
(Astronatus Ocellatus)


Ikan Oscar merupakan jenis ikan air tawar yang berasal dari sungai Amazone, Panama, Rio-Paraguay dan Tio-Negro Amerika Selatan, serta sudapat dikembang-biakan di Indonesia. Oscar is a fish species of freshwater fish from rivers that originate Amazone, Panama, Paraguay and the Rio-Tio Afro-South America, and sudapat dikembang-culture in Indonesia. Ikan Oscar mempunyai bentuk dan warna yang menarik. Oscar fish have the shape and color of interest. Warna badannya kehitam-hitaman dengan batikan berwarna kuning kemerah-merahan. Color body blacky with batikan aeneous. Tidak seperti ikan hias lain, ikan oscar memerlukan perlakuan sedikit khusus pada cara perkembangbiakannya, sehingga ikan Oscar ini termasuk ikan yang mahal. Unlike other ornamental fish, oscar fish requires little special treatment in the way perkembangbiakannya, so this Oscar fish including the expensive fish. Oscar is a fish species of freshwater fish from rivers that originate Amazone, Panama, Paraguay and the Rio-Tio Afro-South America, and sudapat dikembang-culture in Indonesia. Oscar is a fish species of Freshwater fish from rivers that originate Amazone, Panama, Paraguay and the Rio-Tio Afro-South America, and sudapat dikembang-culture in India. Oscar Fish has a form of color and interesting. Oscar fish have the shape and color of interest. Color body blacky with batikan aeneous. Color body blacky with batikan aeneous. Unlike other ornamental fish, oscar fish requires little special treatment in the way perkembangbiakannya, so this Oscar fish including the expensive fish. Unlike other ornamental fish, oscar fish requires little special treatment in the way perkembangbiakannya, so this Oscar fish including the expensive fish.


  1. Pemilihan Induk Up Elections Up Up Elections Elections
    1. Induk yang baik untuk dipijahkan sudah berumur 1,5 tahun sampai 2 tahun dengan panjang badan 15 cm dan tinggi badan 10 cm serta berwarna cerah. Up to a good dipijahkan are aged 1.5 years to 2 years old with a body length and 15 cm high and 10 cm body flamboyant. Up to a good dipijahkan are aged 1.5 years to 2 years old with a body length and 15 cm high and 10 cm body flamboyant. Up to a good dipijahkan are aged 1.5 years to 2 years old with a body length and 15 cm high and Flamboyant 10 cm body.
    2. Seleksi induk dimulai saat ikan Oscar masih remaja (5 ~ 6 bulan), dengan cara mencampurkan 5 ekor jantan dan 5 ekor betina. Selection parent starts when the fish are still teenagers Oscar (5 ~ 6 months), how to blend with 5 male and 5 tails female tails. Ikan Oscar remaja ini akan mencari pasangannya sendiri-sendiri. Fish Oscar teenagers will find their own spouses. Setelah saling berpasangan maka kita pisahkan di bak tersendiri sampai menjadi induk. After each other, we separate a pair of tanks to be withdrawn until the parent. Selection parent starts when the fish are still teenagers Oscar (5 ~ 6 months), how to blend with 5 male and 5 tails female tails. Selection parent starts when the fish are still teenagers Oscar (5 ~ 6 months), how to blend with 5 male and 5 tails female tails. Fish Oscar teenagers will find their own spouses. Fish Oscar teenagers will find their own spouses. After each other, we separate a pair of tanks to be withdrawn until the parent. After each other, we separate a pair of tanks to be withdrawn until the parent.
  2. Perbedaan Induk Jantan dan Betina Differences Up Jantan and Betina Differences Up Jantan and Betina Up Differences Jantan and Betina
    Induk Jantan Up Jantan Up Up Jantan Jantan Induk Betina Up Betina Betina Betina Up Up
    - panjang badan relatif lebih panjang - The length of the body are relatively long - The length of the body are relatively long - the length of the body are relatively long
    - alat kelamin lebih menonjol - Genitals more prominent - More prominent genitals - Genitals more prominent
    - induk yang telah matang perutnya gendut - The parent has matured bellies bloated - The parent has matured bellies bloated - The parent has matured bellies bloated
    - lubang kelamin lebih besar - Sex larger hole - Larger holes sex - Sex larger hole
  3. Cara Pemijahan How Pemijahan How Pemijahan How Pemijahan
    1. Bak perkawinan terbuat dari semen yang berukuran 1 1/2 x 1 x 0,5m 3 , diisi air yang telah diendapkan selama 12 ~ 24 jam setinggi 30 ~ 40 cm. Bath marriage of cement measuring 1 1 / 2 x 1 x 0.5 m 3, filled with water that has been diendapkan for 12 hours at 24 ~ 30 ~ 40 cm. Bath marriage of cement measuring 1 1 / 2 x 1 x 0.5 m 3, filled with water that has been diendapkan for 12 hours at 24 ~ 30 ~ 40 cm. Bath marriage of cement measuring 1 1 / 2 x 1 x 0.5 m 3 , filled with water that has been diendapkan for 12 hours at 24 ~ 30 ~ 40 cm.
    2. Jika bak perkawinannya luas, dapat disekat. If the vessel perkawinannya knowledgeable, can disekat. If the vessel perkawinannya knowledgeable, can disekat. If the vessel perkawinannya Knowledgeable, can disekat.
    3. Sepasang induk Oscar yang telah matang telur dimasukkan ke dalam bak. A pair of main Oscar cooked eggs that have been inserted in the vessel. A pair of main Oscar cooked eggs that have been inserted in the vessel. A pair of main Oscar cooked eggs that have been inserted in the vessel.
    4. Pada setiap kolom diberi batu ceper yang berwarna gelap dan di atasnya ditutup sebagian besar agar suasana kolom menjadi teduh. In each column is given a flat stone and dark color on top of that closed most of the column to be calm atmosphere. In each column is given a flat stone and dark color on top of that closed most of the column to be calm atmosphere. In each column is given a flat stone and dark color on top of that closed most of the column to be calm atmosphere.
    5. Oscar mengadakan pemijahan siang dan sore hari langsung dibuahi oleh pejantan. Oscar pemijahan the afternoon and evening immediately fertilized by pejantan. Oscar pemijahan the afternoon and evening immediately fertilized by pejantan. Oscar pemijahan the afternoon and evening immediately fertilized by pejantan.
    6. Telur yang berada di atas batu ceper tersebut yang telah dibuahi diangakat dimasukkan ke dalam aquarium untuk ditetaskan. Eggs that are in the top of the flat stone that has been fertilized diangakat included in the aquarium for ditetaskan. Aquarium berukuran 70 x 40 x 40 cm 3 diisi air setinggi 10 cm, untuk telur sepasang induk. Aquarium measuring 70 x 40 x 40 cm 3 filled with water up to 10 cm, a pair of eggs for the parent. Eggs that are in the top of the flat stone that has been fertilized diangakat included in the aquarium for ditetaskan. Eggs that are in the top of the flat stone that has been fertilized diangakat included in the aquarium for ditetaskan. Aquarium measuring 70 x 40 x 40 cm 3 filled with water up to 10 cm, a pair of eggs for the parent. Aquarium measuring 70 x 40 x 40 cm 3 filled with water up to 10 cm, a pair of eggs for the parent.
    7. Ke dalam aquarium diberi udara (aerasi) dengan kekuatan lemah. Be given to the aquarium in the air (aerasi) with a weak force. Be given to the aquarium in the air (aerasi) with a weak force. Be given to the aquarium in the water (aerasi) with a weak force.
    8. Selesai 3 hari biasanya telur-telur mulai menetas. Finished 3-day usually eggs hatch eggs start. Finished 3-day usually eggs hatch eggs start. Finished 3-day usually eggs hatch eggs start.
    9. Air diberi campuran emalin atau methylene blue. Emalin given water or a mixture of methylene blue. Emalin given water or a mixture of methylene blue. Emalin given water or a mixture of methylene blue.

3. PEMELIHARAAN BENIH Maintenance BENIH 3. BENIH maintenance Maintenance BENIH

  1. Benih ikan ini sampai berumur 4 hari belum perlu diberi makan, karena masih mempunyai persediaan makanan pada yolk sacknya (kuning telur). Seed fish until the age of 4 days should not be fed, because it still had supplies of food in the yolk sacknya (yellow). Seed fish until the age of 4 days should not be fed, because it still had supplies of food in the yolk sacknya (yellow). Seed fish until the age of 4 days should not be fed, because it still had supplies of food in the yolk sacknya ( yellow).
  2. Pada hari ke 5 benih diberi makanan Rotifera. On day 5 seed to be given food Rotifera. Pemberian makanan ini tidak boleh terlambat karena ikan Oscar bersifat kanibal (memangsa sesamanya). The provision of food can not be delayed because of cannibal fish Oscar (memangsa each other). On day 5 seed to be given food Rotifera. On day 5 seed to be given food Rotifera. The food must not be delayed because of cannibal fish Oscar (memangsa each other). The Provision of food can not be delayed because of cannibal fish Oscar (memangsa each other).
  3. Pada hari ke 10 sudah bisa diberi kutu ari yang telah disaring. In the 10 hours to be given ari lice that has been filtered. In the 10 hours to be given ari lice that has been filtered. In the 10 hours to be given ari lice that has been filtered.
  4. Setelah berumur 2 minggu benih mulai diberi kutu air tanpa disaring dan mulai dicoba cacing rambut. After the age of 2 are given sunday seeds begin without filtered water bug and began to try hair worms. After the age of 2 are given sunday seeds begin without filtered water bug and began to try worms hair. After the age of 2 are given sunday seeds begin with filtered water bug and began to try hair worms.
  5. Benih sudah dapat dipindahkan ke bak/kolam yang lebih luas setelah berumur 25 hari. The seed may have been moved to the basin / pond that is wider after the age of 25 days. The seed may have been moved to the basin / pond that is wider after the age of 25 days. The seed may have been moved to the basin / pond that is wider after the age of 25 days.


  1. Pembesaran ikan dilakukan setelah benih berumur 25 hari. Enlargement of fish seed was made after 25 days. Enlargement of fish seed was made after 25 days. Enlargement of fish seed was made after 25 days.
  2. Benih yang dihasilkan kira-kira 1000 s/d 3000 ekor untuk satu kali penetasan. The seed produced approximately 1000 until 3000 for a one-time head incubation. The seed produced approximately 1000 until 3000 for a one-time head incubation. The seed produced approximately 1000 until 3000 for a one-time head incubation.
  3. Bak yang digunakan berukuran 2 x 1 x 1 m 3 , dan diisi air setinggi 20 - 25 cm. Bath used measuring 2 x 1 x 1 m 3, and filled with water at 20 - 25 cm. Bath used measuring 2 x 1 x 1 m 3, and filled with water at 20 - 25 cm. Bath used measuring 2 x 1 x 1 m 3, and filled with water at 20 - 25 cm.
  4. Untuk pertama kali pembesaran dapat ditebar kurang lebih 300 ekor ikan. For the first time the enlargement can ditebar more than 300 fish tail. For the first time the enlargement can ditebar more than 300 fish tail. For the first time the enlargement can ditebar more than 300 fish tail.
  5. Untuk mengurangi teriknya matahari pada siang hari, di dalam bak diberi tanaman air seperti eceng gondok dan Hidrilla Verticilata. To reduce the teriknya sun at noon, in the basin are given water plants such as water hyacinth and Hidrilla Verticilata. Untuk mencegah masuknya air hujan terlalu banyak, pada bagian atas bak ditutup sebagian dengan seng plastik. To prevent entry of rain water is too many, at the top of the vessel was closed in part with the plastic zinc. To reduce the teriknya sun at noon, in the basin are given water plants such as water hyacinth and Hidrilla Verticilata. Teriknya To reduce the sun at noon, in the basin are given water plants such as water hyacinth and Hidrilla Verticilata. To prevent entry of rain water is too many, in the upper part of the vessel was closed with plastic roofing. To prevent entry of rain water is too many, at the top of the vessel was closed in part with the plastic zinc.
  6. Penjerangan dilakukan setelah benih berada di bak selama sebulan dengan jumlah menjadi 200 ekor Penjerangan after the seed is in the tub for a month to 200 the number of tails Penjerangan after the seed is in the tub for a month to 200 the number of tails Penjerangan after the seed is in the tub for a month to 200 the number of tails
  7. Makanan yang diberikan berupa cacng rambut. Food was given a cacng hair. Food was given a cacng hair. Food was given a cacng hair.
  8. Setelah ikan berumur 5 ~ 6 bulan, ikan sudah dapat diseleksi untuk dijadikan induk, makanan yang diberikan diganti dengan udang kali yang masih segar/hidup, bisa juga diberi udang rebon yang masih segar. After the fish was 5 ~ 6 months, the fish are to be used as parent, the food provided was replaced with the time the shrimp are still fresh / live, can also be rebon shrimp that are still fresh. After the fish was 5 ~ 6 months, the fish are to be used as parent, the food provided was replaced with the time the shrimp are still fresh / live, can also be rebon shrimp that are still fresh. After the fish was 5 ~ 6 months, the fish are to be used as parent, the food provided was replaced with the time the shrimp are still fresh / live, can also be rebon shrimp that are still fresh.
  9. Sepasang induk dapat menghasilkan telur 1000 s/d 4000 butir untuk sekali pemijahan. Parent can produce a pair of eggs in 1000 until 4000 for a single grain pemijahan. Parent can produce a pair of eggs in 1000 until 4000 for a single grain pemijahan. Parent can produce a pair of eggs in 1000 until 4000 for a single grain pemijahan.


Untuk mendapatkan warna yang indah pada ikan Oscar, pemberian makanan harus mengandung zat kapur (chitine) dimulai sejak kecil, seperti kutu air (Moina), Rotifera, cacing rambut, Artemia, udang rebon atau udang kali. To get the beautiful color in the Oscar fish, the food must contain calcium (chitine) started small, such as the water flea (Moina), Rotifera, hair worms, Artemia, shrimp, or shrimp rebon times. Ikan Oscar mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi; untuk ikan yang berumur 4 bulan (berukuran kurang lebih 6 cm) harganya Rp. Oscar fish that have economic value is high enough; for fish that are 4 months (measuring approximately 6 cm) costs Rp. 500,00 per ekor, sedangkan induk Oscar bisa mencapai harga Rp. 500.00 per head, while the main Oscar can reach Rp. 50.000,00 per pasang. 50,000.00 per pair. Dengan menekuni cara pemeliharaan ikan Oscar ini, dapat menambah penghasil keluarga. By way of maintenance menekuni Oscar this fish, can increase of the family. To get the beautiful color in the Oscar fish, the food must contain calcium (chitine) started small, such as the water flea (Moina), Rotifera, hair worms, Artemia, shrimp, or shrimp rebon time. To get the beautiful color in the Oscar fish, the food must contain calcium (chitine) started small, such as the water flea (Moina), Rotifera, hair worms, Artemia, shrimp, or shrimp rebon times. Oscar fish have economic value that is high enough; for fish that are 4 months (measuring approximately 6 cm) costs Rp. Oscar fish that have economic value is high enough; for fish that are 4 months (measuring approximately 6 cm) costs Rp. 500.00 per head, while the main Oscar can reach Rp. 500.00 per head, while the main Oscar can reach Rp. 50,000.00 per pair. 50000.00 per pair. menekuni With the way the Oscar this fish, can increase of the family. By way of maintenance menekuni Oscar this fish, can increase the family.


Dinas Perikanan DKI Jakarta, 1996 Fisheries Jakarta, 1996 Fisheries Jakarta, Jakarta 1996 Fisheries, 1996


Dinas Perikanan DKI Jakarta Fisheries DKI Jakarta Fisheries Fisheries DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta

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